Whether you live for night riding, or dread the necessity of it, most motorcycle riders will at some point or another find themselves on the road after full dark. It’s no secret that riding at night poses special hazards and increases the risk of accidents. However, by taking reasonable precautions, riders can drastically reduce the chance that they will be injured during a night ride. Below are three safety tips, brought to you by the Southern California motorcycle accident lawyers at Steinberg Injury Lawyers.


Wear appropriate clothing for a night ride.


Poor visibility is the number one safety hazard that a night ride presents. This problem goes both ways, since it’s harder for riders to see clearly and also harder for other vehicles to see them. The easiest way to make yourself more visible to other traffic is to wear a reflective safety vest, but you should also consider adding thin, reflective tape to your gear or bike if you are a frequent night rider. In addition, temperatures drop quickly at night, especially in parts of the state that are inland. Wearing a wind-blocking layer and adding glove liners when you’re going out at night will help protect you against sudden or unexpected shifts in temperature.


Ride the best route you can.


Debris on the road is more hazardous at nighttime because it’s so difficult to see, especially since a motorcycle’s headlamp only illuminates a small section of the roadway. Whenever possible, ride a route down the tire tracks of vehicles that have gone before you. Although it isn’t a surefire way to avoid hazards, the previous passage of car tires will make that route the one least likely to contain hazards.


Slow down, slow down, and slow down.


It goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway. The best way to accommodate reduction in visibility, and the associated reduction in reaction time, is to slow your roll. Although it can be tempting to test speed limits when it appears you’ve got the road wide open in front of you, even the best riders are unlikely to outmaneuver a large, startled animal in their path or a dark object in the middle of the roadway.  Don’t underestimate the exhilaration of a long, slow night ride. Give yourself the extra time – and then enjoy it!


If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident in Southern California, contact Steinberg Injury Lawyers today at 1-800-350-8888 for your free case evaluation.


Peter Steinberg
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Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney Since 1982
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