In 1981, The Hurt Study was published. Though the study is nearly 30-years-old, it still offers motorcyclists key insights into the causes and effects of Southern California motorcycle accidents.
According to the study, nearly three-fourths of all motorcycle crashes involve a collision with another vehicle. Bikers need to be aware of the other vehicles they are sharing the roads with. Stay away from drivers who are exhibiting erratic behavior, such as weaving and sudden lane changes.
Nearly 25 percent of biker accidents are single vehicle wrecks where the motorcycle collides with the road surface or a fixed object. Approximately 2 percent of these accidents involve road defects, such as potholes and pavement ridges. Always be vigil of road conditions.
Unfortunately, no matter how safe of a rider you are, you may not be able to avoid an accident. An experienced Riverside motorcycle accident attorney can help you explore your legal options, if you are seriously injured.
If you or someone you know has been hurt in a motorcycle accident in Southern California, contact our office for a free case evaluation at 1-800-350-8888.
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