Commercial truck accidents involving passenger vehicles are hazardous, to say the least. These types of accidents usually result in severe injury or death. Large trucks can be extremely dangerous because of their mass and the potential for underride accidents.
The US Department of Transportation found while analyzing accidents involving passenger vehicles and large trucks in 2018 that 23% of total fatalities occurred when vehicle occupants struck the rear-end of a truck in 2018.
Driving under a truck could have catastrophic short and long-term effects. That’s why adept personal injury attorneys suggest you take all the steps you can to get maximum compensation for your injuries.
If you have been seriously injured in an underride truck accident, consult with a proven Los Angeles truck lawyer to discuss your case.
What Are Truck Underride Accidents?
Each year more than 300 people die in fatal underride accidents. An underride accident occurs when a smaller vehicle hits the truck’s side or back, sliding itself under its trailer. Underride accidents have an extremely high potential for danger due to the nature of the crashes.
What Causes Underride Accidents?
At-fault drivers are typically the root cause of an accident, but underride accidents aren’t so inherently simple. Underride accidents usually occur because of weather conditions, damaged tail lights, inadequate signals, sudden braking, or a lack of underride guards.
Underride guards are fixed to the back of an 18-wheeler to prevent smaller vehicles from ending up under the tractor-trailer. Sometimes, the placement or design of the guard doesn’t provide enough protection when crashes happen. Rearguards are required by law, but side guards are not.
Underride accidents typically happen at night when it’s harder to see. The underlying causes of underride accidents in California, plus the added danger of the cargo they carry, and human error equally contribute to the severity of these types of trucking accidents.
There are two different ways truck underride accidents can happen. Side underride collisions, which happen when a truck driver crosses or turns onto a street or makes a U-turn. On-coming drivers could lose sight of the truck, leading to an accident. A rear underride collision happens when a vehicle collides right under the back of a semi-trailer or truck.
Why Are Underride Accidents So Dangerous?
Commercial trucks are much bigger than passenger vehicles. Rear-end collisions between passenger vehicles and large commercial trucks will lead to broken windshields, roofs, and doors.
When underride accidents occur, smaller vehicles are forced under the trailer’s bottom until the truck comes to a halt. If the commercial truck’s trailer slices through a passenger vehicle, it will result in severe injuries.
Contact Steinberg Injury Lawyers Today
If you or someone you know has been hurt in a truck underride accident, you should be seeking financial compensation for your damages. An ill-advised decision can cost you valuable compensation that you need to help get your life back to normal. At Steinberg Injury Lawyers, our expert attorneys will fight for the settlement you deserve.
Underride accidents could involve multiple parties. A negligent driver, the trucking company, or the trailer manufacturer could be liable. That’s why the truck accident attorney you choose will significantly affect the outcome of your truck accident case.
Contact us online or give us a call at 1-800-350-8888 to schedule your no-obligation, free consultation.
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