There are many St. Patrick’s Day celebrations scheduled throughout Southern California, including parades, festivals, and all-you-can-drink bar celebrations. Of course, there are family-friendly events scheduled too. But there’s no denying that a lot of people will be drinking green beer on St. Patrick’s Day. And it won’t be just at night. It’s going to be an all-day celebration, and this increases the risk of dangerous car accidents.
The Risks Are Higher for Drivers on St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day partygoers may put you at greater risk of being involved in a serious automobile accident when:
- They fail to designate a driver who agrees not to drink anything alcoholic.
- They drive themselves home after they have had too much to drink.
- They fail to call a taxi or other driving service if they’re too intoxicated to drive and don’t have a designated driver.
- They don’t take the car keys away from other friends who drank too much and shouldn’t drive.
- They continue to serve alcohol until the end of the celebration when it’s time for their guests to get behind the wheel.
These bad decisions can have devastating consequences. In fact, according to data published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 276 driving fatalities nationwide during St. Patrick’s Day celebrations between 2009 and 2013. About three-fourths of them involved drivers who were twice the legal alcohol limit.
What to Do If You Are Hurt by a Drunk Driver on a Los Angeles Roadway
When possible, stay off the roads on St. Patrick’s Day. But if you have to be out, be alert and aware of your surroundings and drive carefully and defensively. And if you or your family suffered injuries in an automobile accident with a driver who had too much to drink, order our free book, 7 BIGGEST MISTAKES That Can Ruin Your California Injury Case, or contact us at 800-989-6385 to schedule a complimentary case consultation.
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