California requires that all motorists possess a minimum of $15,000 in liability insurance. Liability insurance is designed to protect you if you become involved in a car accident.

Unfortunately, not all drivers possess the minimum auto insurance required by law. This could leave you with a mountain of medical and car repair bills that you may be responsible for, but can’t afford. That is why you should consider uninsured motorist (UM) insurance.

UM coverage is designed to protect you and your occupants if involved in a car accident with an uninsured motorist. UM will insure against bodily injuries sustained in an accident. It may even apply if you are involved in a hit-and-run accident.

However, UM will generally not cover damages to your vehicle. You may want to consider collision insurance. Collision insurance will cover costs associated with vehicle repairs and property damage.

Even if you have the proper coverage you may want to consider holding the uninsured motorist liable. An experience Southern California car accident attorney can help you build a solid case and receive the compensation that you and your family deserve.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a California auto accident as a result of an uninsured driver, you should contact Steinberg Injury Lawyers at 1-800-350-8888.
Peter Steinberg
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Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney Since 1982
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