When you are involved in a personal injury case, the stakes can be high. Many plaintiffs file claims to recoup damages for severe injuries, property damage, as well as other punitive damages. In many cases, clients hire a personal injury lawyer and, at some point during the process, begin to believe that they are not adequately represented. 


Fortunately, if you are in this predicament, you are not stuck. People decide to switch their attorneys for a variety of reasons. You have the right to fire your attorney as well as hire another one at almost any point in your case (with a few limitations). 


If you have a suspicion that your lawyer is not up to par, providing inadequate services, or you generally don’t trust them, it may be time to consider alternatives. 


Are you no longer sure about moving forward with your current legal representation? Don’t hesitate to contact Steinberg Injury Lawyers to schedule your free initial consultation today.  

When to Fire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Making the decision to fire your personal injury attorney is not always an easy one to make. You may even question whether you are making the right decision in choosing to fire them, or choosing to keep them. This uncertainty can cause unneeded stress on your part and may even compromise your confidence in your case.


If there are certain red flags appearing, you may want to consider firing our personal injury lawyer and hiring a new it as it could be your only hope for a successful personal injury claim. It may be in the best interest of those dealing with the following problems to fire their current personal injury attorney:

  • You have lost trust in your lawyer 

  • You do not have a good relationship with your current lawyer

  • You are questioning your attorney’s competence and/or ability to perform well

  • Your attorney is lacking effective communication skills (i.e., not returning calls or emails in a timely fashion)

Why You Have the Right to Choose Another Attorney

The U.S. justice system is designed to offer a fair trial to all citizens. This is true of both criminal and civil litigation. With this in mind, the ability to choose your own attorney is an integral function of a fair legal system. 


Without this ability, you effectively lose control in your own case and are at the mercy of your attorney (even if they are inept). Though some will inevitably make a bad choice in legal representation, it is at least fair that you had the right to make your own choice in who would represent you. 


If you are not comfortable with who is representing you, it is your right to find an attorney you are confident in and can trust with your case.

Hiring a New Personal Injury Attorney

You need to be able to trust your lawyer, and your lawyer should be open and honest with you. If you have lost faith in your current legal representation and believe that it is time for a change, do not wait until it is too late. Give our lawyers a call to discuss the merits of your case, and where your case is currently standing. We are prepared to investigate the details of your case and work with you. 


Our consultations are confidential, free, and honest. Sitting with an experienced personal injury lawyer will give you the clarity of mind to know whether or not you should continue with your current representation or hire a new lawyer. Contact Steinberg Injury Lawyers or call 1-800-350-8888 for your free consultation today. 

Peter Steinberg
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Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney Since 1982
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