But during this tough economy, it may be tempting to figure out ways to reduce the cost of your auto insurance, and cutting medical payments is often the first thing drivers will do. This is especially true for those drivers who have health insurance.
Medical payments cover the cost of medical bills immediately after a car accident, regardless of who is at fault, which can be helpful when some insurance companies can take months to cover the bills.
Many people think that as long as they have health insurance, they do not need medical payment coverage. Med pay, however, also covers insurance co-pays on doctor’s visits, physical therapy appointments and prescription drug costs. If you are injured and unable to work, med pay can seem like a lifesaver for helping to put food on the table.
It is also helpful for those who have high yearly health insurance deductibles to meet, since med pay will cover those costs, regardless of your health insurance carrier. The coverage protects anyone riding in your vehicle, even if they are not related to you. Med pay also follows you while you are walking or on any type of public transportation.
California medical payment coverage can be added to a policy in different increments, and most insurance companies offer it at $1,000; $5,000; $10,000; $25,000 or $50,000 per person, per accident.
While only an insurance agent can tell you the exact cost of adding medical payment coverage to your auto policy, typically it is not that expensive. Paying an extra $10-$20 per month to have the peace of mind of knowing that you will be receiving additional monetary help should you be injured in an accident is well worth it.
It should also be one of the first things you ask your insurance agent or company to add if you do not have health insurance.
For more information on how your insurance coverage can affect your health and financial well-being, contact the Southern California car accident lawyers at Steinberg Injury Lawyers. You can also order your free copy of their book, Seven Biggest Mistakes That Can Ruin Your California Injury Case, by calling 1-800-989-6385.