I wrote a news story earlier today that was about a major car accident in Santa Monica that  caused the car to roll over and the passenger was ejected.  It was a single car accident and the driver was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.  The passenger suffered major injuries and was taken to the hospital.

This got me to thinking...this man is going to need medical care, perhaps long term care and rehabilitation, if employed there will be lost wages, etc.  Does he know his rights...does his family?  They must be wondering how are all of his and his family's financial needs going to be met?  

No matter if a passenger suffers major or minor injuries in a car accident the same rules apply...


  • Immediately get the medical care that you or your loved one needs.
  • Call your own car insurance company and inform them that you were injured as a passenger.  They will be able to tell you what your own car insurance will cover. 
  • Consult with an personal injury attorney who has experience in handling passenger claims to seek their advice in your particular accident.  

These matters can be complex.  There are many variable in financial recovery as a passenger in a car accident.  The possibilities are:

  • Your own car insurance
  • The driver of the car you were in should have insurance
  • If there was another vehicle at fault, there can also be another insurance 

My advice is do not try to "go-it-alone".  A consultation with my firm is free and there is no obligation once you have asked your questions.  We have handled hundreds (if not thousands) of cases for passengers injured in car accidents and no two are the same.

If you, or a loved one,  have been injured in a car accident when riding as a passenger, you have rights and you should know what they are.  Call us right now for your free consultation.

Peter Steinberg
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Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney Since 1982
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