Insurance companies are in the business of making money – pure and simple. When they pay out claims, they are losing money. That is why it is no surprise when the insurance company becomes challenging to work with.
Insurers have been known to use a wide range of tricks and strategies to minimize accident claims. Below is a list of some of the common tricks and what you should do to protect yourself.
- The insurance adjuster may tell you that you don’t need a Southern California car accident attorney. Insurance adjusters are known for making comments that if you hire an attorney the bulk of your settlement will go straight toward legal fees. If your case is minor, then you might not need a lawyer, but it’s different when the accident is serious. A past study found that people who were represented by lawyers on average, received higher settlements than those who were not represented.
- You may be asked to give a recorded statement. The insurance adjuster may tell you that it is standard and just part of the investigation. What he or she is not telling you is that the insurance company is hoping you will say something that will damage your case. Plus, you might not know the full extent of your injuries or all of the accident details. Once you go on record, it is very difficult to retract what you said.
- The insurance adjuster may use delay tactics. Insurance adjusters are familiar with the challenges faced by accident victims. They know that you are accumulating medical bills and that you are out of work. They therefore realize that you need money. Delay tactics are often used so that you will finally get to the point that you accept whatever offer the insurance company throws your way.
If you have been hurt in a car accident in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Orange County or elsewhere in California, an experienced Santa Monica car accident attorney from Steinberg Injury Lawyers may be able to help you.
For a free case evaluation and answers to your questions, contact us today by calling (800) 989-6385 or filling out our online form.