An experienced Santa Monica car accident attorney can step in and deal with the insurance company for you. Your lawyer will build a strong case and estimate the value of your claim. A previous study even found that working with an attorney seemed to increase the settlement amounts people received versus individuals who were not legally represented. With all that being said, if you are not honest with your lawyer, it can significantly impact your case.
You may not realize that providing information such as prior car crashes or major injuries is important. It can sometimes be difficult to see the link between your current situation and what has happened in the past. However, rest assured that the insurance company is going to be looking into this type of information and they have access to an extensive database. The insurer will also be reviewing your medical records. If your attorney is blindsided – it’s not going to be good news for your claim.
It is crucial that you let your attorney know about any previous accidents or injuries. Doing so will give your lawyer the opportunity to anticipate the insurance company’s arguments.
If you have been injured in car accident in Los Angeles County, Riverside County, Ventura County, Orange County, San Bernardino County or San Diego County, the Santa Monica car accident attorneys at Steinberg Injury Lawyers may be able to help you.
We represent clients throughout California. Contact us today by calling (800) 989-6385 or filling out our online form.