The time period following a Los Angeles auto accident is typically stressful and overwhelming for the accident victim.  If you have been injured in a car accident, you know firsthand what it is like.  You are trying to cope with your injuries, get to doctor appointments and figure out how to pay your bills when you have little to no money coming in.  On top of all that, the insurance company keeps calling you.  One of the best things you can do is to contact a Los Angeles car accident lawyer who will be able to step in on your behalf and handle the insurance company.  If you have already been working with the insurance adjuster and are having problems, you need to keep reading.

It is important to understand the role of the insurance adjuster.  This person works for the insurance company, not you, and will be investigating your accident.  The adjuster may ask you questions and request documentation regarding your injuries.  When it comes time to offering a car accident settlement, the adjuster is the one who will make the offer.

The insurance adjuster will be working within a settlement range and as you can imagine, he or she will start at the low end of that range.  You need to know what your case is worth, which is something that a knowledgeable Los Angeles injury lawyer can help you with.  Also keep in mind, that if the insurance company is trying to quickly settle with you, there is probably a reason.  The insurer knows that in some cases, the more time that passes, the more injuries that appear or the injuries become more severe.

If you feel that the insurance adjuster has offered you a settlement that is not equal to what your case is worth, you can try to negotiate.  Back up your argument with documentation as to why you deserve a higher settlement.  Be firm during the negotiation to ensure you are fairly compensated.  

An experienced Los Angeles accident attorney can help you get the settlement you deserve.  For more information and for advice regarding your case, contact Steinberg Injury Lawyers at 800-350-8888.
Peter Steinberg
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Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney Since 1982